Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Flickr fun with Bubblr

I found this tool on the Flickrbits Webapps page. If you try this, make sure you check it all before you finish, as the finished product can't be edited, and remains on the page for all to see (typos and all!)...ooops!


Pauline said...

Hi, Kirsten. I am from Nunawading Library, a branch of Whitehorse Manningham. My brother Charlie Waters drives the Glenelg bookmobile sometimes. Thanks for all the tips on web applications. I am just about to check out Bubblr. I loved your "interrupted nap" sequence. Pauline M.

kirsten said...

Thanks Pauline. I don't think I've met your brother, we don't have a bookmobile at our library anymore. Perhaps he drives the schools van? It's good fun trying some of these new things isn't it?