Friday, October 26, 2007

Warning, danger Will Robinson!!

I'd never heard of Zoho before, so I signed up and created a document. I quickly found the little delays in pulling down menus and backspacing over typos a bit annoying, and the features are more limited than in your regular word processor, so I don't think this will be replacing Office for a while yet. Like the other things we've looked at, it might have a place in sharing documents at a distance, or if you were travelling, but otherwise I think I'll stick with the status quo for now.

And then I uploaded my document to my blog, and look what happened! Disaster!

Note the big orange rectangle floating on top of my blog banner. Argggh!!

And then I tried adding another post to see if the orange blob would move, and behold!

And now even as I enter this, all I can see before me is a HTML string, not a picture, I've cut and paste the Html, I hope I've got the right bits!

So if you're going to attempt this make sure you don't have any fancy bits in your document, this seemed to be the result of adding a layer.

So, me and online apps? Methinks not.

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