Sunday, November 18, 2007


Well, this certainly has been an interesting trip. I've tried a lot of new things, some I'd heard of, some I hadn't.

The best thing I've discovered personally on this journey is Flickr. I'm so glad that Learning 2.0 inspired me to take the plunge and join up on some of these sites. I love Flickr, and I love that it has resparked my interest in photography. I've also enjoyed blogging more than I thought I would. I always thought that I never really had a reason to do it. This has shown me that you don't really need to have a reason, a blog can just be for yourself.

I'm also very glad I finally had a good look at the tagging type thingy's. I've seen all those little buttons all over the place, but never really took the time to understand how it worked. I like, and I'm still using it now, so I can see myself continuing with that.

On a professional level, I think the most important thing I'll take away is the need to play, and keep up with things as they develop. I'll be taking my 15 minutes a day from now on! I don't want to miss out on any great new tools.

I've go no plans to stop blogging now, so I'm keeping this blog open, perhaps I'll post on our progress with using these technologies in our library. I am hoping we will have some to show you!

I'd also like to thank everyone on the Learning 2.0 team. It must have been a massive job, and I've greatly appreciated the opportunity. Thank you!

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