Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Blogroll please, and a latte, take away.....

Goodness gracious me! This bloglines stuff seems pretty complicated. It has taken me a while but I think I've managed to publish a Bloglines Blog. A blog for the blogs I like to read...the mind bloggles.

My Bloglines page, I hope!

There really are a lot of things you need to sign up for to achieve some of these technological niceties, I think you need to be quite determined sometimes. They're not the sort of thing many people would want to spend an hour or two signing up for just to try out. I guess that's where we come in. Our role could be as a "concierge" for current technology, helping explain to people what some of these things are for, and helping them to determine whether it's going to be useful to them, before even helping them to start out.

It's been fun trying out some of these new things, and I'm starting to feel a bit more 21st century after getting behind on this stuff in the last few years (my little country town only got broadband in the last six months). Yikes!

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